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Tổng tiền:

Giáo viên: NEIL


  • GRADUATE:  PhD - Tomsk Polytechnic University  Master of Science - Bangalore University  TESOL - TEFL International, U.S. - Kolkata, India
  • JOB: General English, English for business, English for communication,general Medical English,...

Hey there! My name is Neil. I've been teaching English for over 6 years now . I have done my masters degree and PhD in biosciences and also have a diploma in medicine. I got my TEFL / TESOL certificate in 2009, which makes me a medical practitioner and a teacher at the same time. I enjoy teaching and there is not a boring moment in my classes. However, I appreciate disciplined hard work from my students because I want them to improve in English and thereby achieve their goals - be it IELTS scores or general English or corporate English or interview skills or international accents or normal fluency, listening, reading, writing, Vocab, modern English, old English, casual English, formal English......practically anything. Casual friendly talks, for improving fluency in a relaxed way, is also an option for those who do not want to overwork themselves with target-oriented serious lessons. I teach as a friend, so you shall always feel comfortable in my classes. I respect my students and expect the standard courtesies from them at all times. See you online.

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